Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Pokemon Games Connect

children do pass

Education is the world's oldest profession, but it remains a complex but exciting task. At the end of the day, no one has prepared to serve as educators and we tend to reproduce what they've done to us. In this sense, adults must take good care of messages that consciously or unconsciously communicate to children and adolescents.

This is indicated by the psychologist and therapist, Rüdiger Dahlke , who in his book " critical stages of life " carries a possible diary of a toddler and the adult listener. Draw your own conclusions:

  • Thursday, 8.10: I pulled the carpet colony. Smells good. Angry mom, the colony is prohibited. 8.45
  • : I pulled the lighter on the coffee. I have stuck.
  • 9.00: In the kitchen. I have taken. The kitchen is prohibited.
  • 9.15: In the father's workroom. I have taken. Workroom also prohibited.
  • 9.30: I removed the key from the cabinet. Played with it. Mom did not know where he was. Neither do I. Mom yelled at me.
  • 10.00: I found a red pencil. Painted on the carpet. Prohibited.
  • 10.20: I caught the knitting needle and I folded. I nailed one on the couch. The needles are prohibited.
  • 11.00: I had to drink milk. But I wanted water! I began to mourn. I have stuck.
  • 11.30: Broken a cigarette. There snuff inside. Not sure.
  • 11.45: I followed a centipede to below the fence. I found scales. Interesting, but prohibited.
  • 12.15: I eat poop. Peculiar taste, but banned.
  • 12.30: I spit on the salad. Inedible. But spitting is prohibited.
  • 13.15: The siesta. I have not slept. I woke up and I sat on the quilt. Ice cream. Freezing is prohibited.
  • 14.00: I have thought. I see that everything is banned What is one the world?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What Does An F Mean On Receipt

Who attended the workshops for head teachers?

In response to this question, made under the Second Meeting of strains of municipal schools Conchalí on December 12, deliver a list of all the participating teachers representing their schools in workshops.

See listing by clicking HERE

Monday, December 11, 2006

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School, nineteenth-century institution

Jaume Carbonell, teacher and director of Cuadernos de Pedagogía , gave an interview in the newspaper El Pais where he says
  • school did not comply, as an institution, the twenty-first century. It is still a nineteenth-century school, which has adapted the time, the objectives, contents, ways of teaching and learning. They have a very rigid organization, with overcrowded schools, even the physical space is not accessible.
To Carbonell, there is a very negative view of the issue of indiscipline in the classroom and, while necessary,
  • There is a temptation to tackle all this alone and authoritarian measures repressive. Control, more expulsions, and so on. And this is not, alone, the track.
Against this, the director of Journals of Education, intends to develop measures such as those already applied in other centers consisting of,
  • coexistence programs, resolution of conflicts with students as mediators, pedagogies are based on dialogue.
Jaume Carbonell, along with Antoni Tort, recently published a book analyzing the relationship between education and its reflection in the media: " education and media representations ."

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10 December, Human Rights Day

Each December 10 marks the Human Rights Day to commemorate the anniversary of the date of the adoption of the Universal Declaration Human Rights on 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly.

Article 1

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another.

This year we wanted to dedicate this day to work in a common effort, the fight against poverty .

awareness of the impact of poverty on millions of men, women and children around the world, and how this state of deprivation and misery compromises our common future, has never been greater. However, although it has been an increasingly sophisticated understanding of the complexity of factors involved in poverty, ranging from exclusion and discrimination to the imbalances in the international trade system, approaches to address the poverty reduction are frequently including calls to charity or altruism.

In this sense, the Nobel Peace Prize has been this year to Muhammad Yunus and Taslima Begum and the Grameen Bank project , the bank of the poor.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Intimidating Athletic Quotes

strategy against indiscipline in Galicia

The The country newspaper we read that the Ministry of Education of the Galician regional government launches a plan to address indiscipline in the classroom , combining discipline and democracy .

A new concept of discipline ,

but not with the "negative connotations" that the past has printed the word. Education argues that the discipline is "a personal need and social development "and defines it as" democratic norms of coexistence, developed and owned by all sectors involved in the classroom, in the center in any organization or activity. "

Some of his key points are :
  • School boards of all colleges and secondary schools in Galicia create a observatory that will meet weekly to account for the misconduct that has occurred in recent days, fights between students to rebellion against the teachers or vandalism damage.
  • Inspectors of Education oversee the disciplinary regulations of the schools and allow students to change punishment imposed on them by "community service" , seminars and programs to mediate conflicts.

  • The internal regulations of each school will be reviewed periodically supervised by educational inspectors and negotiated with students.
  • Revitalize associations mothers and parents demand more responsibility to families in the studies of children.

  • Create training modules for teachers to learn "social and communication skills," "conflict resolution", school mediation, "emotional intelligence and emotional" and " values \u200b\u200beducation. "

  • Education will result in the prevention of conflicts with other departments: Consellería other, to city councils, the councils and agencies such as Caritas or the Red Cross.

  • Each school and secondary school in Galicia have to develop a plan for coexistence own starting next school year. The document, drafted in the first quarter, will include a survey of the conflicts of the site and design a strategy to improve the situation to pick up targets, measures and deadlines.

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Education in and for conflict

Cascón As stated by Francisco Soriano " needed social and educational pedagogy that empowers people to address conflicts . We need a theoretical basis on which to base important new approaches to work when living together.

Cascón Francisco professor of the School of Peace Culture of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhas researched and published numerous studies about the conflict, looking at alternatives and offering an education in and for the conflict, based on three key areas:
  • discover the positive outlook of the conflict .
  • learn to analyze conflicts and discover their complexity.
  • find nonviolent solutions without destroying one of the parties, solutions that we all win and we can meet our needs.
In this paper, Education in and for conflict , Cascón Soriano, from the UNESCO Chair on Peace and Human Rights, Autonomous University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe author wrote four articles:
  • In the first, we propose an approach to central theoretical issues to know about conflict: conflict positive perspective, components and attitudes.
  • The second raises concrete proposals on the conflict education in schools: provention processes, analysis and negotiation.
  • Third, we face what it is and how it plays mediation and some deviations in the current fashion.
  • Finally, a bibliography resources. By
brief and structured, provides an overview of what is to educate in conflict and a specific educational program with various proposals to implement in the classroom and / or non-formal education.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

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school Cyberbullying

Alternative Youth Association Youth Extremadura, states (newspaper Today, 12/08/1906), through its representative, the sociologist James Cambero, concern cyberbullying, e-bullying cyber-bullying,

"New way of bullying among children or peer who has a clear upward trend and is conducted through the irresponsible use of information technologies and communication" through emails, websites, forums, blogs or mobile phone messages aimed at "an insult, threat, intimidation, ridicule or humiliation of those who receive. " And that creates problems of social and school adjustment, low self esteem, low confidence, fear, anxiety, stress or anxiety attacks and severe cases, suicide attempts.

Moreover, among young people is creating a "bedroom culture "

Children who spend hours interacting through computers without being aware of time (...) The detention of adolescents in the home where the kids make and break that they want from their own room without the control and permission from their parents.

is why Young recommends Alternative parents, educators and children and adolescents themselves responsible use of computers, internet and games consoles.

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White Ubrique Peace

Interaction is a thing of the whole society and be effective there is greater involvement by all, especially regarding children and youth. That seems to understand the Andalusian Education Plan for Culture of Peace and Nonviolence of the Ministry of Andalucia has presented the possibility to organize projects in one or more centers and have as a framework for coexistence.

With Javier Moreno Ibarra, we learned that Ubrique under the slogan White Ubrique Paz, is conducting a work program involving to all local schools both infant and primary schools and secondary schools.

The plan is presented as follows:


  • Joining forces common to all local centers.
  • mobilize teachers of schools in partnership with parents and other associations and groups related to the family and education (neighborhood associations, city council, AMPAS, etc.).
  • Working coexistence and useful perspective continuous.

Proposed activities (all sites)

  • School Parents of Ubrique.
  • School Magazine Parents of Ubrique: "Ubrique's voice."
  • living standards in secondary schools.
  • Values \u200b\u200bEducation.
  • coexistence and intercultural activities between all institutions.
  • Diary for Primary and Secondary students.
  • Plan for Teacher Training and Community Education.
  • Program violence prevention.

Friday, December 8, 2006

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bullying and bullying are detrimental

blog Through Bullying , we learned that the digital version of the publication of the University of Almería Research Journal Educational Psychology (Professional Scientific and Educational Psychology) published in its latest issue (No. 9 September 2006) an interesting monograph on " bullying and school life ."

These are the fourteen articles which includes:

  • approach to a new explanatory model of antisocial behavior.
  • Bullying: description and analysis of a phenomenon.
  • Sociopersonal values \u200b\u200band coexistence problems in secondary education.
  • allocation differences causal in bullying among its protagonists.
  • impact of school bullying on academic performance.
  • peer victimization and psychosocial adjustment: experiences of immigrant youth in Canada.
  • abuse among schoolchildren and other problem behaviors for coexistence.
  • Peer Support in Schools: development and challenges.
  • The model of the student helper under discussion: opinion of the participating students and their beneficiaries.
  • violence and victimization. Bullying: identification strategies and elements for intervention through the Bull-s test.
  • Effectiveness of an intervention program for improving school atmosphere: some results.
  • characteristics of victims of bullying perceived by adolescents victimized and victimized not .
  • (DST) Discrepant Story Task: An instrument used to explore narrative strategies in bullying.
  • judicial system response to the abuse of power relationships in the educational setting.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Bolsey Camera Secondhand


We show this reflection on the limited educational value that the punishment is applied to children as a measure of adjustment. punishment rather than correcting inappropriate behavior, reinforces risk further action. Well understood by the child psychologist at the Catholic University of Chile Neva Milicic Muller. The author of "To be happy also learn " states that

Parents who use punishment as a way to educate their children related to violence and maladaptive behaviors when the children are preadolescents and adolescents.

punishment itself has no educational value and is a frequent displays of disability, lack of affection and parental stress .

is a great mistake to apply any kind of punishment to children, because they cause significant damage to their development. The problem is that parents think is right to punish and tell the child 'as you did you get bad grades do not go to your friend's birthday,' and do not know that it is harmful not only for children but also does not help anything because the punishments are not effective.

The alternative to punishment for Neva Militia, is in three fundamental and complementary

  • behaviors have consequences
Parents should be clear that educate and teach the children do not need to punish, although it is important that children learn that their behaviors have consequences and they must have some sanction against the problems it creates.
  • Replacing fear responsibility

the punishment the child pays his guilt, but does for the future purposes or repair your fault. The idea is to not do things by fear, because it loses its effectiveness.

  • deprivation of privileges

is the most effective measure, because it leads to self-discipline, which should be the goal of any education system ... To teach children to be disciplined, obey , to respect and comply with what is expected of them, is essential for parents to promote democratic norms and limits, and deal with the errors committed in peace and love.

( Read full )

Sunday, November 19, 2006

6036 Ritetemp Instructions

Dear Teachers:

has reached the end of our workshops and assessment can only be positive. Thank you very much for your participation perseverance and commitment.

Then a series of images collected from 5 workshops.


Team UNICEF - Coresam

Friday, November 3, 2006

How Much Does It Cost For Xgames

Ladies and teachers:

This Tuesday November 7, from 15:00 pm and made our last session of workshops Head Teacher.

This session:

  • will be awarded diplomas to teachers for their participation during 2006 in the workshops Head Teacher.
  • be received "successful meetings with agents" for teachers who wish to publish in the Manual for Conchalí be published by Unicef.
  • will be a brief assessment of the experience of the workshops.
  • material is delivered Effective Schools published by Unicef.
  • will close in a special way.

The place of performance will be at St. Louise de Marillac (College of the nuns, their directors know), located in Venice 1640 (Venice Huasco Plaza Chacabuco sector).

you there!

Team UNICEF - Coresam

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Images Of Paintings By Barbara Weber

Dear Teachers:

In this presentation you will find a brief account of what has been the work that together have made over the heads of Workshops for Teachers Conchalí framed in the Effective Schools Project for Conchalí which is embarked on by the Coresam Unicef.

must do "double clicking" on the Play button (arrow pointing right) to begin viewing the presentation.


Team UNICEF - Coresam

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Can You Recover From Pneumonia And Pleurisy

"A necessary space for reflection"

This could be characterized the development of our junior workshop, held on the 28th of September at the Millennium Hall of Conchalí.

The approach to the Head Teacher's Role , difficulties, their obligations, the satisfaction and pride to play the role, along with the honest opinion of teachers, alumni and students Conchalí elementary and middle of the commune, created the framework that facilitated this four workshop meant an instance of deep reflection for all who participate in it.

Moreover, in this last workshop we started the recordings for the documentary to accompany our Manual for Teachers Heads, Manual in which all teachers involved in the network are called upon to contribute through writing a positive experience developed in the context of meetings of trustees.

The accumulation of positive experiences that henceforth provide another professor of Conchalí have on hand a good material with original ideas to work with their representatives and encourage establishing an effective partnership between families and schools.

soon receive the format in which it shall draw up the positive experience, for further editing and inclusion in the Manual to be published by UNICEF.


Team UNICEF - Coresam

Monday, September 25, 2006

Implantation Calculation

Dear (a) Professor (a):

Hoping you have had a good Independence Day celebration, we invite you to take up the work we have been doing in the workshops for head teachers on the subject of family-school relationship. In this session we will reflect on the great importance of the role of the teacher, identifying the many demands which must address realistically and defining their responsibilities.

result of this workshop will make a proposal of the role that teachers must assume commune chiefs, thus contributing to identify resources and conditions for conducting the work and thus achieve a better education for students Conchalí.

To optimize the participation and representation of our work, we recall that the last workshop, held on 10 August, were given a survey on this subject for the work with colleagues. In the session on Thursday will use all this information. Therefore, please take the survey to the workshop. If you have not found the time to complete, we encourage you to do these days, and if you absolutely could not find the time to do so, we also request their participation, because their opinion is always important.

Because only with everyone's input we can make improvements in education Conchalí, we have your valuable participation in this penultimate year's workshop. We waited with a rich sandwich on September 28th at 14:30 pm in the Millennium Hall .

Sincerely, TEAM


confident in their commitment.
forward together to Effective Schools.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

The Fair-girdled And The Iliad

The Third Meeting of the Teachers Workshop for Heads of Conchalí was a success!

The Athena School was this time the space that welcomed us, a very good way for the realization of our third meeting. We have the visit of María Alicia Halcartegaray , an expert in the development of Convivencia Escolar, the development of democratic rules and discipline and work around the limits that can be developed by teachers and parents.

a practical strategy also met a very educational game to work these issues in meetings of Trustees, encouraging greater participation of families in the training and education of their children.
For Teachers interested, the game will soon be delivered to all schools so that they can reproduce and apply it in their meetings of trustees.

See you soon at the next workshop, with the same motivation and the desire to move towards the development of an effective alliance family - school, to assess the contribution of each in his role!


Team UNICEF - Coresam

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Yamaha 05 Blaster Blueprints

Dear Teachers

holiday break winter, will resume our work in workshops for teachers Heads, which aims to strengthen the link Family School. The quote at our third meeting will be on Thursday 10 August at 14:30 in Athena School. The wait for a rich sandwich for lunch do not worry.

this time will cover the following topics:

report of two successful experiences related to meetings of trustees , experiences arising from our Head Teachers Network.

After this, as outlined at the beginning of our meetings, we will address a topic of great importance suggested by many participants: how to resolve conflict situations with children and adolescents (strategies for parents and teachers). This task will be supported by an expert in the area that will help in the process of this Workshop No. 3.

their presence is essential and continuity in the upcoming workshops, considering the importance of his contribution as a teacher (a) representatives of their school in this community initiative.

value your time, energy and dedication put into this effort to bring the family to education, thus contributing to improving the education of children and young people Conchalí.

Best Regards, Team
Unicef \u200b\u200b- Coresam

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Star Chikan In The Bus

We have been 2 meetings of the Network!

On Thursday June 15 met for the second time Teachers Network Conchalí Chiefs. It was a strong and pleasant, with a lot of work, which posed many challenges for education in general, for each school and each teacher when seeking to establish a link with their families.

The Head Teacher's Role and the Role of Parents are themes that were installed as themes deepen.

has also advanced the process followed by the School Coordinating Team. We have already started working with some reflection on their pedagogical workshops, explaining further the process and the role that each teacher is responsible. We are available to support them in the instances that you request.

is important to remember that teachers Red Heads of Conchalí is an instance of voluntary participation and this adds value to the participation and consistency that participating teachers have demonstrated.

Remember that this page can add your comments and suggestions for the continuation of the meetings of the Network and the monitoring process in schools.



Friday, June 2, 2006

Is Honey Good For The Thyroid

Dear ladies and representatives of the
Teachers Network Heads of Conchalí :


As part of the workshop that developed between you, UNICEF and Conchali CORESAM, we wanted to enable this area to facilitate the transfer of information, suggestions, questions, compliments and criticisms. Our network will be improved once we do in this virtual space a means of communication used and frequented by everyone. Here

may ask questions and enrich the dialogue discussing the experiences that have developed at work with colleagues at meetings and interviews with parents. Thus, little by little we promoting the establishment of better relations Family - School for the improvement of learning of their pupils, the quality of education delivered and healthy living within their educational communities.

This space belongs to all who make up the network and further open to all who want to know the motivating experience that develops in Conchalí, progress towards effective school.

The invitation is to use this virtual environment to enhance our communication and harness the unique opportunity to access the networking of the 20 municipal Conchalí educational institutions.

Best Regards!

Team UNICEF - June 2006