Saturday, December 9, 2006

3ds Max 2010 Car Blueprints

school Cyberbullying

Alternative Youth Association Youth Extremadura, states (newspaper Today, 12/08/1906), through its representative, the sociologist James Cambero, concern cyberbullying, e-bullying cyber-bullying,

"New way of bullying among children or peer who has a clear upward trend and is conducted through the irresponsible use of information technologies and communication" through emails, websites, forums, blogs or mobile phone messages aimed at "an insult, threat, intimidation, ridicule or humiliation of those who receive. " And that creates problems of social and school adjustment, low self esteem, low confidence, fear, anxiety, stress or anxiety attacks and severe cases, suicide attempts.

Moreover, among young people is creating a "bedroom culture "

Children who spend hours interacting through computers without being aware of time (...) The detention of adolescents in the home where the kids make and break that they want from their own room without the control and permission from their parents.

is why Young recommends Alternative parents, educators and children and adolescents themselves responsible use of computers, internet and games consoles.


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