Monday, December 11, 2006

Bmi Data For Females Aged 2-20 Years

School, nineteenth-century institution

Jaume Carbonell, teacher and director of Cuadernos de PedagogĂ­a , gave an interview in the newspaper El Pais where he says
  • school did not comply, as an institution, the twenty-first century. It is still a nineteenth-century school, which has adapted the time, the objectives, contents, ways of teaching and learning. They have a very rigid organization, with overcrowded schools, even the physical space is not accessible.
To Carbonell, there is a very negative view of the issue of indiscipline in the classroom and, while necessary,
  • There is a temptation to tackle all this alone and authoritarian measures repressive. Control, more expulsions, and so on. And this is not, alone, the track.
Against this, the director of Journals of Education, intends to develop measures such as those already applied in other centers consisting of,
  • coexistence programs, resolution of conflicts with students as mediators, pedagogies are based on dialogue.
Jaume Carbonell, along with Antoni Tort, recently published a book analyzing the relationship between education and its reflection in the media: " education and media representations ."


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