Cascón As stated by Francisco Soriano " needed social and educational pedagogy that empowers people to address conflicts . We need a theoretical basis on which to base important new approaches to work when living together.
Cascón Francisco professor of the School of Peace Culture of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhas researched and published numerous studies about the conflict, looking at alternatives and offering an education in and for the conflict, based on three key areas:
- discover the positive outlook of the conflict .
- learn to analyze conflicts and discover their complexity.
- find nonviolent solutions without destroying one of the parties, solutions that we all win and we can meet our needs.
In this paper, Education in and for conflict , Cascón Soriano, from the UNESCO Chair on Peace and Human Rights, Autonomous University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe author wrote four articles:
- In the first, we propose an approach to central theoretical issues to know about conflict: conflict positive perspective, components and attitudes.
- The second raises concrete proposals on the conflict education in schools: provention processes, analysis and negotiation.
- Third, we face what it is and how it plays mediation and some deviations in the current fashion.
- Finally, a bibliography resources. By
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