Saturday, December 9, 2006

Custom Wrestling Figures Blog

White Ubrique Peace

Interaction is a thing of the whole society and be effective there is greater involvement by all, especially regarding children and youth. That seems to understand the Andalusian Education Plan for Culture of Peace and Nonviolence of the Ministry of Andalucia has presented the possibility to organize projects in one or more centers and have as a framework for coexistence.

With Javier Moreno Ibarra, we learned that Ubrique under the slogan White Ubrique Paz, is conducting a work program involving to all local schools both infant and primary schools and secondary schools.

The plan is presented as follows:


  • Joining forces common to all local centers.
  • mobilize teachers of schools in partnership with parents and other associations and groups related to the family and education (neighborhood associations, city council, AMPAS, etc.).
  • Working coexistence and useful perspective continuous.

Proposed activities (all sites)

  • School Parents of Ubrique.
  • School Magazine Parents of Ubrique: "Ubrique's voice."
  • living standards in secondary schools.
  • Values \u200b\u200bEducation.
  • coexistence and intercultural activities between all institutions.
  • Diary for Primary and Secondary students.
  • Plan for Teacher Training and Community Education.
  • Program violence prevention.


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