Friday, December 8, 2006

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bullying and bullying are detrimental

blog Through Bullying , we learned that the digital version of the publication of the University of Almería Research Journal Educational Psychology (Professional Scientific and Educational Psychology) published in its latest issue (No. 9 September 2006) an interesting monograph on " bullying and school life ."

These are the fourteen articles which includes:

  • approach to a new explanatory model of antisocial behavior.
  • Bullying: description and analysis of a phenomenon.
  • Sociopersonal values \u200b\u200band coexistence problems in secondary education.
  • allocation differences causal in bullying among its protagonists.
  • impact of school bullying on academic performance.
  • peer victimization and psychosocial adjustment: experiences of immigrant youth in Canada.
  • abuse among schoolchildren and other problem behaviors for coexistence.
  • Peer Support in Schools: development and challenges.
  • The model of the student helper under discussion: opinion of the participating students and their beneficiaries.
  • violence and victimization. Bullying: identification strategies and elements for intervention through the Bull-s test.
  • Effectiveness of an intervention program for improving school atmosphere: some results.
  • characteristics of victims of bullying perceived by adolescents victimized and victimized not .
  • (DST) Discrepant Story Task: An instrument used to explore narrative strategies in bullying.
  • judicial system response to the abuse of power relationships in the educational setting.


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