Saturday, June 17, 2006

Star Chikan In The Bus

We have been 2 meetings of the Network!

On Thursday June 15 met for the second time Teachers Network Conchalí Chiefs. It was a strong and pleasant, with a lot of work, which posed many challenges for education in general, for each school and each teacher when seeking to establish a link with their families.

The Head Teacher's Role and the Role of Parents are themes that were installed as themes deepen.

has also advanced the process followed by the School Coordinating Team. We have already started working with some reflection on their pedagogical workshops, explaining further the process and the role that each teacher is responsible. We are available to support them in the instances that you request.

is important to remember that teachers Red Heads of Conchalí is an instance of voluntary participation and this adds value to the participation and consistency that participating teachers have demonstrated.

Remember that this page can add your comments and suggestions for the continuation of the meetings of the Network and the monitoring process in schools.




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