Wednesday, December 13, 2006
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
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In response to this question, made under the Second Meeting of strains of municipal schools Conchalí on December 12, deliver a list of all the participating teachers representing their schools in workshops.
Monday, December 11, 2006
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- school did not comply, as an institution, the twenty-first century. It is still a nineteenth-century school, which has adapted the time, the objectives, contents, ways of teaching and learning. They have a very rigid organization, with overcrowded schools, even the physical space is not accessible.
- There is a temptation to tackle all this alone and authoritarian measures repressive. Control, more expulsions, and so on. And this is not, alone, the track.
- coexistence programs, resolution of conflicts with students as mediators, pedagogies are based on dialogue.
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Article 1
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another.
In this sense, the Nobel Peace Prize has been this year to Muhammad Yunus and Taslima Begum and the Grameen Bank project , the bank of the poor.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
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A new concept of discipline ,
but not with the "negative connotations" that the past has printed the word. Education argues that the discipline is "a personal need and social development "and defines it as" democratic norms of coexistence, developed and owned by all sectors involved in the classroom, in the center in any organization or activity. "
Some of his key points are :
- School boards of all colleges and secondary schools in Galicia create a observatory that will meet weekly to account for the misconduct that has occurred in recent days, fights between students to rebellion against the teachers or vandalism damage.
- Inspectors of Education oversee the disciplinary regulations of the schools and allow students to change punishment imposed on them by "community service" , seminars and programs to mediate conflicts.
- The internal regulations of each school will be reviewed periodically supervised by educational inspectors and negotiated with students.
- Revitalize associations mothers and parents demand more responsibility to families in the studies of children.
- Create training modules for teachers to learn "social and communication skills," "conflict resolution", school mediation, "emotional intelligence and emotional" and " values \u200b\u200beducation. "
- Education will result in the prevention of conflicts with other departments: Consellería other, to city councils, the councils and agencies such as Caritas or the Red Cross.
- Each school and secondary school in Galicia have to develop a plan for coexistence own starting next school year. The document, drafted in the first quarter, will include a survey of the conflicts of the site and design a strategy to improve the situation to pick up targets, measures and deadlines.
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- discover the positive outlook of the conflict .
- learn to analyze conflicts and discover their complexity.
- find nonviolent solutions without destroying one of the parties, solutions that we all win and we can meet our needs.
- In the first, we propose an approach to central theoretical issues to know about conflict: conflict positive perspective, components and attitudes.
- The second raises concrete proposals on the conflict education in schools: provention processes, analysis and negotiation.
- Third, we face what it is and how it plays mediation and some deviations in the current fashion.
- Finally, a bibliography resources. By
Saturday, December 9, 2006
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The plan is presented as follows:
- Joining forces common to all local centers.
- mobilize teachers of schools in partnership with parents and other associations and groups related to the family and education (neighborhood associations, city council, AMPAS, etc.).
- Working coexistence and useful perspective continuous.
Proposed activities (all sites)
- School Parents of Ubrique.
- School Magazine Parents of Ubrique: "Ubrique's voice."
- living standards in secondary schools.
- Values \u200b\u200bEducation.
- coexistence and intercultural activities between all institutions.
- Diary for Primary and Secondary students.
- Plan for Teacher Training and Community Education.
- Program violence prevention.
Friday, December 8, 2006
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These are the fourteen articles which includes:
- approach to a new explanatory model of antisocial behavior.
- Bullying: description and analysis of a phenomenon.
- Sociopersonal values \u200b\u200band coexistence problems in secondary education.
- allocation differences causal in bullying among its protagonists.
- impact of school bullying on academic performance.
- peer victimization and psychosocial adjustment: experiences of immigrant youth in Canada.
- abuse among schoolchildren and other problem behaviors for coexistence.
- Peer Support in Schools: development and challenges.
- The model of the student helper under discussion: opinion of the participating students and their beneficiaries.
- violence and victimization. Bullying: identification strategies and elements for intervention through the Bull-s test.
- Effectiveness of an intervention program for improving school atmosphere: some results.
- characteristics of victims of bullying perceived by adolescents victimized and victimized not .
- (DST) Discrepant Story Task: An instrument used to explore narrative strategies in bullying.
- judicial system response to the abuse of power relationships in the educational setting.
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
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punishment itself has no educational value and is a frequent displays of disability, lack of affection and parental stress .
is a great mistake to apply any kind of punishment to children, because they cause significant damage to their development. The problem is that parents think is right to punish and tell the child 'as you did you get bad grades do not go to your friend's birthday,' and do not know that it is harmful not only for children but also does not help anything because the punishments are not effective.
The alternative to punishment for Neva Militia, is in three fundamental and complementary
- behaviors have consequences
- Replacing fear responsibility
the punishment the child pays his guilt, but does for the future purposes or repair your fault. The idea is to not do things by fear, because it loses its effectiveness.
- deprivation of privileges
is the most effective measure, because it leads to self-discipline, which should be the goal of any education system ... To teach children to be disciplined, obey , to respect and comply with what is expected of them, is essential for parents to promote democratic norms and limits, and deal with the errors committed in peace and love.