To see fat in the water cooling which endangered manatees, pissing dudes up in public and people sunning themselves with socks on and sliced \u200b\u200bthe air, you no longer need to travel a hours by road to Oaxtepec, Morelos, because now all those fine traditions of the swimmers chilangos apply in the newly opened Memorial to the Revolution, in the heart of Mexico City.
is where a bunch of hills that were the source of a pint advantage is there to go to moms for a while, stick to the old the jets of icy water in order to be transparent blouse and so do their emerging poderles pubescent breasts, or to lift the skirt are a little bit, making the Tabacalera in a hotel in Cancun at the height of Spring Break, only that the girls I Guerrero, instead of gringo bump.
At times, where fans supply drops in all directions, eyelets calufos brats they get to be a good gandallas fajes to grab buttock, handpick, casserole and the whole thing, right across from where they rest the remains of Madero, Villa, Carranza, Calles and Cárdenas, taking advantage of the wall of water prevents visibility from anywhere the so-called Plaza of the Republic, being worth calling mothers and Santo.
When the show ends, which will likely seal the floor to receive the sun, wearing their uniforms as a towel, until it is time that the power is turned back on cool.
Oh dear God!
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