"Why do not you die you fucking pig in shit", I said aloud, and a deathly silence was present at the place where all those looks that expressed the deepest hatred, disappointment, surprise and indignation same time they were perched on me and the unit holding hands.
Two seconds later, I realized that I was in a press conference that had already begun, in an auditorium filled with activists, human rights defenders, special guests and dozens of reporters, photographers and cameramen, playing with my Angry Birds cell and was unconsciously demanding one characters that will not let me win.
For those who do not know, Angry Video Game Birds is the most popular mobile phones in the whole world, in which some green piglets kidnap an egg and some chicken pissed try to put them in her mother, throwing it with a slingshot and Taliban suicide bombers.
Once I was playing two hours sitting on the toilet, not knowing how I got there and why my legs were asleep. Until I get to play while driving, one day I will crash and I'm going to die because of the chicken!
But anyway, I won mothers, kept playing and the note never came in the newspaper.

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