Below a plastic table covered with a blue tablecloth, a bald fat is carefully scraping the line formed between the buttocks, to the little notice they have these ballots and the ballot box that powders in front of him, because in all the day has not stopped a single soul in that place to express their opinion and show preference for any of the proposals.
People no longer feel represented by the parties and that holds true as big as Fox's testicles (or see you échense Martha Sahagun ... yes those are eggs!). For all the ideas seem recycled, repetitive and drawn from the same drawer where he keeps his pants López Obrador.
's why I'm going to start my own new political movement, whose name will be the Party of True Bastards, ie PVC, created to represent all those who live by inhaling solvents from a cloth, which have been ignored by the powerful and relegated to the back garden of Metro Hidalgo, where now we will make our daily assemblies.
We have representation in the 16, with more than 2 million fans spread over all minibus stops and Elektra, ready to contend in the process of 2012.

Photo: Ariel Alvarez (Secretary party)
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