Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stomach Bug Gallbladder?

This does not stop, all day fuck you walk in, you go from one place to another, the pay is low, the pressure is great, people love you mother, you malmiran politicians, drug dealers kill you, live with drunks and drug addicts, people have to endure unbearable he thinks he knows a lot but in reality is pendeja (greetings, Two Nations), and above all, the day after all that effort paid mothers because the news a few hours expires.

I was about to kill myself seeing things of life with Rocío Sánchez Azuara on Channel 13 until I rot the brain (increase) when stuck in a payphone at the Del Valle found the answer to my existential problems, professional and economic.

Mazdel His name is, is a Jack Russell Terrier puppy white that was lost in the streets of La Condesa. Are afraid because they do not go out much of their home and identifying marks, has a male black in one eye that makes it look like the dog that appears in the movie Mask or notices of Telmex. But the important thing is that they provide for her a reward of five thousand dollars in cash.

varotes Five thousand! So, I'll go pet detective Ace Ventura swallowing as well and pay the rent. Chá


Monday, March 28, 2011

Bam Stars Tatooed On Hips

Vote for me

Below a plastic table covered with a blue tablecloth, a bald fat is carefully scraping the line formed between the buttocks, to the little notice they have these ballots and the ballot box that powders in front of him, because in all the day has not stopped a single soul in that place to express their opinion and show preference for any of the proposals.

People no longer feel represented by the parties and that holds true as big as Fox's testicles (or see you échense Martha Sahagun ... yes those are eggs!). For all the ideas seem recycled, repetitive and drawn from the same drawer where he keeps his pants López Obrador.

's why I'm going to start my own new political movement, whose name will be the Party of True Bastards, ie PVC, created to represent all those who live by inhaling solvents from a cloth, which have been ignored by the powerful and relegated to the back garden of Metro Hidalgo, where now we will make our daily assemblies.

We have representation in the 16, with more than 2 million fans spread over all minibus stops and Elektra, ready to contend in the process of 2012.


Photo: Ariel Alvarez (Secretary party)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dimples Pinewood Derby Tips

Palma 40

Cheap beer, live music and the ability to be as famous as the singer Kalimba. All that is in a place in the historic center which also has a nighttime views Perronas to the Zocalo, despite the ball useless electricians who sleep there every night.

Penthouse Palma is called 40, which as its name implies, is located on the streets of Palma and the number 40, where after nine-story walk up and guacarear the effort because the lift does not work, you can surround by dozens of beautiful girls who are at the frontier of adulthood, moving to the beat of music electronics with a live DJ in the dark.

Late at night, because it close till eight the next day despite bust a block from where ships are supposed to Marcelo Ebrard, as in all bule also cumbias and salsas are made for the band to start dancing closely, once the alcohol eliminated any remnant of any bias towards the so called "popular music" ... Oh yeah, and the lights are cool.

If you want to keep cool and do not bitch as Morrito in high school festival of Gustavo A. Madero, you can also open the windows and enjoy the view from the center, which is amazing even without drugs.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pain In Abdomen Peeing A Lot

Dreams Music Evolution

dreamed that I was a child coming out of my mother's womb at the time of birth and the first thing I heard upon arriving to this world was the stanza "I'm in love, I want to confess, totally excited, I spend thinking you, I'll never let you go because I'm in love ... ", sung in the melodious voice of Wisin y Yandel at full volume on a cell phone.

He opened his eyes, the first man I saw was a dude in white shirt that showed a Santa Muerte tattoo on one arm, his head shaved on the sides and a blond strand that protruded from forehead and stretched up behind the ear, wearing sunglasses and holding a white cloth that is constantly in his mouth and nose, as if it smelled delicious.

On the other hand, who was supposed to be the doctor, wearing the same look, only using masks and gloves to greet me, with the peculiarity that they were not green rubber latex but, of those who used to wash the dishes.

Hearing "and Justin was born, and moved the melodious voice of someone who is supposed to be my parent, I knew I had come to this world to be a thief auto parts or agent of the Judicial Police, as they see I said "fuck with his mother, "and I just put. Chá


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Does Cipralex Interact With Melatonin


dirty and neglected flood Scalps to the shoulders, trousers muddy the body no matter who they jackpot Cheleros a belly that makes dogs apparently unemployed, silly shirts, bracelets as a child in high school, workers in these type boots feet have never stepped on a mine or construction, and a proper attitude of a rebel baby two years old ... How erotic!

The metalheads, as they are known to those who meet the description above, constitute the lowest rung on the evolutionary scale of human beings or otherwise does not explain the taste for music as primitive, made from guitarrazos no pattern and no Ricardo Arjona letters signed, especially the current that is called "hard core", which is the same but with cries guttural and at a speed that is achieved only with drugs.

Who likes metal? Accept it!, Nobody, not even themselves. If you listen and sing it, is children's desire to want to look different and contrary to the provisions, an attitude which is typical adolescent confusion.

Metalero, understand, you look bad, catch the wave, leaving the drugs, just your primary bathe, wear clothes in your size. Even Metallica were cut matte. Chá


Monday, March 21, 2011

Letters On Community Service

Dreams of war go beyond

green light a flare in the sky is cast by a space between the curtain and the wall, illuminating part of the darkened room. A subsequent explosion blasts "the entire building, which is reeling as the morals of a drunken teenager. The sound of falling glass and the subsequent burst of shrapnel bouncing everywhere force me to throw myself on the floor and crawl in my shirt and pants with Scooby Doo to the exit.

The night air in the city of Tripoli fills with the sound of the sirens that warn of new bombings the forces opposed to the Qadhafi regime, while the dark star the little finger of my right foot against an invisible piece of furniture in an attempt to get out into the hallway and away from the danger posed by the windows of the hotel where we met several representatives of the international press.

After two minutes that silence appears again, take courage to peek over the balcony and see if the Libyan capital is out there, ignoring the stinging in my crotch that indicates that maybe I'm too scared. A glow in the distance out from behind a wall and turns to me, I'm dead.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

5 Words Familiar Saying

A look innocent girls who have converted to pedophile priests, the short nose designed by mother nature has to thwart both the plastic surgeon Lucia Mendez, a mouth that can smile, engage and be helpful to say the most vile crap, held together by a graceful neck decorated with pearls under a hair worthy of a shampoo commercial (the expensive) form an image that at first I fell in love and in a moment I panicked to the point of incontinence (ie, spanking me.)

Elena Poniatowska was once young! So buddy, that old mummy with the face of horrendous writes books with dull prose of the universe ruca ridiculous that welcomes all the clowning of the dictator in power Andrés Manuel López Obrador, squeaky voice that tune that comes on the news of Joaquin Lopez Doriga, the imitation of Mr. Burns was not born like that, also had 20 years and what they think ... if it holds!

And I thought that Scott Fitzgerald was based on it to write the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, about a person who was born old, but no, it turns out that "Elenita" as you say that nacos follow, was young once and it was well Ricard beggar.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sample Business Plan For A Layer Farm

For My bird furious Oaxtepec 2.0

"Why do not you die you fucking pig in shit", I said aloud, and a deathly silence was present at the place where all those looks that expressed the deepest hatred, disappointment, surprise and indignation same time they were perched on me and the unit holding hands.

Two seconds later, I realized that I was in a press conference that had already begun, in an auditorium filled with activists, human rights defenders, special guests and dozens of reporters, photographers and cameramen, playing with my Angry Birds cell and was unconsciously demanding one characters that will not let me win.

For those who do not know, Angry Video Game Birds is the most popular mobile phones in the whole world, in which some green piglets kidnap an egg and some chicken pissed try to put them in her mother, throwing it with a slingshot and Taliban suicide bombers.

Once I was playing two hours sitting on the toilet, not knowing how I got there and why my legs were asleep. Until I get to play while driving, one day I will crash and I'm going to die because of the chicken!

But anyway, I won mothers, kept playing and the note never came in the newspaper.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Type Ofhair Extensions Does Meagan Good

To see fat in the water cooling which endangered manatees, pissing dudes up in public and people sunning themselves with socks on and sliced \u200b\u200bthe air, you no longer need to travel a hours by road to Oaxtepec, Morelos, because now all those fine traditions of the swimmers chilangos apply in the newly opened Memorial to the Revolution, in the heart of Mexico City.

is where a bunch of hills that were the source of a pint advantage is there to go to moms for a while, stick to the old the jets of icy water in order to be transparent blouse and so do their emerging poderles pubescent breasts, or to lift the skirt are a little bit, making the Tabacalera in a hotel in Cancun at the height of Spring Break, only that the girls I Guerrero, instead of gringo bump.

At times, where fans supply drops in all directions, eyelets calufos brats they get to be a good gandallas fajes to grab buttock, handpick, casserole and the whole thing, right across from where they rest the remains of Madero, Villa, Carranza, Calles and Cárdenas, taking advantage of the wall of water prevents visibility from anywhere the so-called Plaza of the Republic, being worth calling mothers and Santo.

When the show ends, which will likely seal the floor to receive the sun, wearing their uniforms as a towel, until it is time that the power is turned back on cool.

Oh dear God!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Best Vacuum For Frieze Carpets

A piñata executed very disillusioned with life

night The night was (drum roll), the speedometer needle charged to the far right of my dashboard showed that I was maybe a little faster. The burning in my red eyes half closed my weariness evident, might just be a question of the dazzling lights in the opposite direction.

Suddenly a shot package retaining wall next to my devolution drove his humanoid form, disfigured face, severed arms and one leg bent on wet pavement for the first rain of the spring season, same as to give the impression swerve to see a probable victim of organized crime in the peripheral shot at the entrance of the Mexico - Queretaro, made my powerful vehicle skidding on the curve. If not I have seen 16 times Fast and Furious 3, I would dump.

Flashing lights flashed behind me to go on foot in search of recognition if it was a running shot at dawn on the edge of Tlalnepantla with nothing. Upon arriving crime scene, a mother insults sound came from my throat against the responsible of the crime.

was a piñata of The Incredibles! I almost turned around and scare me fucking shit of a piñata of a Disney movie! What little mother!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Where Buy Military Ball Gown

On Saturday June 16, 2001, Mexican Soccer Team lost a World Cup qualifying match for the first time on the field at Estadio Azteca. He did against Costa Rica, with goals from Rolando Fonseca and Hernan Medford, which meant that we were practically out of the World Cup. Leaving the meeting, my faith had died, my morale was low and I never I felt so disappointed ... until now.

Sex and Entertainment Expo, the one that promoted both everywhere Congal massive that everyone speaks, the mega festival of Sodom that the extreme depravity of this country presumed, a mother who is in the Palace Sport is a waste. But my disappointment does not lie in the filth that is that shop sex shop than 5 million square feet, but the fact that Tory Lane, American porn actress 29 years old, is a fat and Guang hut which nobody peels .

was pitiful to see her on stage with their flesh overwhelmed in a transparent dress, handing out autographs that nobody wanted, after being one of the most sought after actresses in the guild for his pretty face, a dancer's body and mouth of a trucker. What's next? "Watching Carlos Slim begging?

As Buki would say: Where are we going to paraaaar?

checks only the comparative and understand why I'm two seconds away from suicide. Of course, the picture on the right is the before, while the left is one you took last Friday Backlight renowned photographer, still life and still lifes, Ariel Alvarez.