Sunday, April 10, 2011

Serious Answering Machine Messages Samples

Facing the changes that seem impossible: the rider, the elephant and the road

Heath Brothers (Chip and Dan) have published a interesting book on the processes of change: "Change chip. How to cope with changes that seem impossible ". Entertaining style, develop their approach by reviewing a wide range of research that support it.

to explain his understanding of the change using an analogy proposed by the psychologist at the University of Virginia, Jonathan Haidt: our emotional side is an elephant and rider our rational side. If we want things to change we must be mindful of both. "The rider provides planning and management and provides energy elephant."

Following the summary that the authors made at the end of his book, to generate a change effectively we need to work in three directions:

1. DIRECT the rider. To do suggest three key strategies:

- Identify and follow exceptions. investigate the changes that have worked and continue his teachings.
- Write critical movements . You have to specify the specific behaviors that are critical for change. Generalities are not helpful.
- Aim at target . Change is easier when you know where you are going and why it is worth changing.

2. MOTIVATE the elephant. The strategies proposed are:

- identify the emotions that can drive change . You have to feel the need change.
- Reduce change dimension. Must be fragmented, severing the change in stages until it does not frighten the elephant.
- Do you feel proud. Cultivate a sense of identity and instill the mentality of growth.

3. PAVE the road. In this section, the Heath brothers introduced a more systemic perspective by stressing that sometimes the most important change is that we can produce in the structure. In any case, it is essential to be aware of changes we can make in your environment to facilitate promote or reinforce change. In this case, strategies are posed:

- Modify environment. When the situation changes, the behavior also changes.
- Create habits. When the behavior is habitual, is free, makes no charge for the rider. It is important to find ways to encourage habits.
- Harnessing the power group. The behavior is contagious. Help expand it.


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