branch of an ash six feet high was to behead two millimeters on a convertible bus running at 80 per hour kiómetros Reform and at midnight, for which I paid 200 bucks eventful journey for cover the amount of my ticket and my companion. That is, buy cocoa.
the truck and a female voice with a strange accent indicates a building that was occupied by the descendants of Hernán Cortés, and turn you can see a dude lying asleep next to the trash, where another is digging while one more guacarea shrimp broth.
"On your left you can see the Angel of Independence." But as what? Is off is not!, There are two shacks and sweeping away a garbage truck parked there. The same about Diana the Huntress, the Palacio de Bellas Artes, Auditorio Nacional, the Countess or the Monument to the Revolution, where he also fucks raisins. Chá
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