Con este post termino la serie que he dedicado a comentar la relación de los principios sistémicos con la administración pública. Estos principios tienen su origen en la práctica de las constelaciones familiares , primero, y de las constelaciones organizacionales the first of these refers to "the right to belong" to the organization everyone who has participated in some way in it. E l second refers to "balance between giving and receiving" . later. As we have seen,
The third principle which I will discuss today is undoubtedly the one I took "digest." It is the principle of "order." This principle arises in the context of family constellations, and in that context, he stressed that the order must be respected in the family. If the child takes the role of parent of a sibling, the system suffers. If the grandparent is treated as a son, the dynamics of the system shows signs of transgression of this principle. And so in any situation that does not respect the place of everyone in the family system.
However, in organizations the concept of order is much more complex nuances. Input, can be understood that the first order system is to be maintained whenever the established order. Came around my difficulty with this principle "means that any alteration of the existing order involves a systemic imbalance?
Before sharing my current answer to that question I would add Something more. The order in organizations has at least three perspectives:
· The order related to time membership organization with the time it has belonged to it. So, have a more prominent place who are longer in the organization. Here, again, I screeched the ideas you going to be that age is a degree untouchable? What about people who have joined more recently, should respect this order to avoid systemic problems?.
· The order related to the powers that be have opens another factor that, to some extent, in contrast to the previous. From this perspective the order, have a higher priority over those who express a competent performance.
· Another third perspective of this principle is the contribution to the organization's central goals : people whose work touches more directly and intensely on these objectives take precedence over those less impact.
therefore the principle of order is based on three vectors that can be even contradictory time in the organization, professional competence and contribution . When any of the three 'orders' are ignored or violated imbalances that are generated will be visible through symptoms such as absenteeism, the confrontation between individuals or units, the lack of commitment, poor work environment, ...
What does respect this principle? Taking the three points we mentioned, could say that if you hire a new person, much better prepared than those who compose the organization, and placed in a prominent place in the same, to respect the principle of order, it would be know to all, make room for contribute to those who take longer than her in the organization. Should not abdicate its responsibility, or to take decisions based on it have to be taken. However, it is important to note that in the organization there are people who have long provided to it and that the history of the organization is also its history. Things must be clearly recognized and stated that there is no systemic imbalances.
In public administration, frequent entry of new people in positions of responsibility. Each process holds electoral changes in many places. Often, those who enter new, not only forget to acknowledge the role of those who left (the principle of membership), but assume their responsibility by ignoring those who take much longer in the organization.
Another "wound" in this principle is often related systemic with little weight given to the organization to certain people, making a key contribution to the public organization not have the necessary recognition . And I do not mean a recognition of pay but the clear and express awareness that they are valued for that significant contribution.
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