co-active coaching
Although my background is within what has been called "
ontological coaching, "I'm not comfortable with labels. The ontological coaching seems like a
very powerful approach but does not exhaust the practice of coaching. I prefer to define myself as a coach without a surname. If it is difficult to understand what coaching is like to be raised to explain the nuances of one or another type of coaching.
But this is neither the only nor the main reason for my reluctance to pigeonhole into a specific approach. I like to explore, enjoy looking elements that provide useful, value, the work I do. I guess that I will be rich I and I can better serve those who think I can be of some help. Seen in the context of a particular approach that I am limited.
So when I saw a book called "co-active coaching
" please get down to work to explore. I liked. It is suggestive and interesting practical contributions. The only "but" is precisely that tries to present a specific model of coaching. Again the labels. But approached with an open mind and unpretentious to decide which is the best approach to work as a coach, is a worthwhile read.
The four people who signed the book (
Laura Whitworth, Karen Kimsey-House
, Henry Kimsey-House Phillip Sandahl and ) suggest the following as the four panding the co-active coaching (I add, of any coaching worthy of the name):
- Customer is a person full nature, creative and resourceful : Customers have the answers or can find them. There is nothing wrong or broken, you do not fix anything related to the client. The coach does not provide answers but asks questions and invites the discovery.
- The client sets the agenda to follow . The only coach is an expert in the coaching process. His job is to help clients articulate their dreams, desires and aspirations, help them have a clear mission, purpose and objectives, and help them achieve that result.
- The dance coach at the time . It consists in listening to a very deep level, beyond the words and history, beyond the content or logic of the subject that is spoken. Is to listen to intuition turned to maximum. Perceive and adjust requires great flexibility, be willing to change course instantly, to accept the apparent paradox or contradiction and move forward. This flexibility is what they call "dancing in the moment."
- The co-active coaching takes into account and addresses all aspects of customer life . The decisions we make are interrelated. People who do not live a life coaching in watertight compartments, there are links between all parts.
On this foundation, the authors present a model that has a central core (composed of three elements: fullness, balance and client process) and five contexts. The three core elements are considered the deepest of any other person. Whatever the specific topic the client brings to coaching, the authors state that there is a way to link to a fuller life, more balanced and a better process.
As for five contexts, are considered "points of contact with the customer." Aspects that the coach used in some and other times of the coaching process. They are:
- Listen .
- Intuition .
- Curiosity .
- foster action and deepen the knowledge .
- self-management, defined as the ability of the coach to put aside their personal opinions, preferences, his pride, his tendency to get defensive, its ego. Means giving up the need to look good and be right.
Throughout the book are developed in depth these contexts, providing practical tools for use in each of them.
close with a couple of paragraphs that I find helpful in understanding the coaching:
"Coaching is both a methodology and a particular type of relationship. Of course, there are skills to learn and a variety of tools available, but the true art of effective coaching lies in the coach's ability to work in the context of the relationship. "
" In its simplest form, a coaching session is a conversation between a coach and another person or, in the coaching teams, one coach and two or more people. But this is not an ordinary conversation, everyday. An effective coaching conversation gets to the heart of what is important. It is a focused conversation, attentive, designed to support the client in their efforts to clarify options and make changes. "
two parts