Time is our most valuable resource. In analyzing the use of time we can discover the most effective way to use it.
How to use the time is a habit to reflect on these habits and correct them. The reward will be to monitor the work and have time to concentrate on the most important.
How to use the time is a habit to reflect on these habits and correct them. The reward will be to monitor the work and have time to concentrate on the most important.
Evaluate your day ... is easy to spend too much time on routine tasks. Ask yourself: How now divides his time? Do you waste much time?
Keep track of time ... may be surprised to discover how much time passes and how podo chatting dedicated to things that are important.
Set Priorities ... decide what are the most important tasks, which require immediate attention.
Plan your day ... select the tasks that can be done in one day, be realistic.
Balancing the demands ... priorities may change because we receive information constantly, when you receive any new information, re-evaluate your list of priorities.
quiet moments ... you need time to himself time to reflect, reassess priorities and focus on difficult tasks or priorities. Streamline
... tasks is important to perform the most demanding tasks of the day at times of increased physical and mental capacity. For an administration
Effective Time is essential to maintain an accurate record of appointments and commitments coming. Plan with an agenda ...
Think positive to plan with success: the most unpleasant task seem simple.
Be aware of the tasks are particularly unpleasant, must be well distributed throughout the day.
Avoid stress ... when very busy require some determination to find the time before thinking how to use the next few hours in a productive way. From a psychological point of view is useful planning activities because it allows to control the time, this will help you avoid stress and achieve their goals.
was ordered ... it helps to prevent something is lost among the piles of papers that can possess.
Avoid interruptions ... at times everyone needs to concentrate without being disturbed.
Stay tuned ... the relevance of information changes over time. So as most of today's information will be obsolete tomorrow, half time passes also changes our perspective on what is relevant.
Choose when to call ... reserve a time of day to call, make a list of all calls to be carried out during the day. Do not allow a telephone conversation unless there is good reason for it, how to deal with an unexpected problem.
Schedule a free time ... is important to do daily to recharge the batteries again.
Extracted from:
Hindle, Tim. (1998). Time Management. Barcelona: Grijalbo.
Hindle, Tim. (1998). Time Management. Barcelona: Grijalbo.
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