Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rawlings Football Jerseys


A MEDIA LUZ was present in the integrated dance workshop held in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda Colombia.

This event was aimed at integrating dancers with and without disabilities, choreographers and therapists on the same stage, for which it was necessary to consider adaptive elements of movement, space and time that allowed the successful participation of all.

The result of a week training, commitment, discipline, sensitization and total joy, was introduced to the wonderful warm population of Santa Rosa de Cabal in the framework of its regional fair.

The creativity of a group, the readiness to change, the exploration of dance and the integration possibilities of contemporary dance and tango, stole the attention of the audience.

Two of the dancers participating in disability Marlon motor and Jane in a situation of visual impairment, shared their experience, providing the tools group and contributing to the awakening of the motivation for directing art projects which foster the inclusion of people condition of disability.

The major conclusion is that no matter where you do, what matters is the commitment, love and responsibility to enable talent to shine and the charm of artists with a special light.

Congratulations to Professor Adriana Miranda, for their love and devotion.

to the Ministry of Culture of Colombia for hosting meetings and important as enriching the cultural growth of our country.

The foundation and the network CINDES Thinking from the difference to join in the collective. To undertake such projects and to consider alternative work within their organization.
A DANCE NITROGEN raise the name of our city Cali expressions as emotional, thoughtful and high-level contemporary dance.

All participants interesting to consider this issue for many professionals is not even named.

The Unicorn Foundation, for wearing the shirt A Media Luz and promote our talent.
At Bayron Torres Professor of live Tango dance school for their time dedicated to strengthening the road to professionalism in dance and rehabilitation.

A Amedia Luz for accepting the challenge and everyone for taking the time to these items.

A hug A Media Luz


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