Stress is a kind of "invisible disease." Can affect you, your company and any member of his staff, so that you can not afford to ignore it.
The condition is a set of changes that occur in the body when it requires a much higher yield than normal. Affects both the physical and mental health.
When the body is subjected to physical or psychological stress increases the production of certain hormones such as adrenaline and hydrocortisone, they cause significant changes in heart rate, blood pressure, metabolism and physical activity, causing long-term emotional and physical wear of the individual who has it.
stressed individuals may lose the ability to make sound decisions quickly, especially if they lose confidence in themselves. The wrong decisions made at work and at home can lead to accidents or arguments, financial loss and even loss of job.
Stress and Mental Health ...
People under stress are more prone to irrational fears, mood swings, and phobias, and may suffer from depression and attacks anger and irritability.
People under stress are more prone to irrational fears, mood swings, and phobias, and may suffer from depression and attacks anger and irritability.
Business Stress ...
Stress affects companies in addition to their employees. A company with a high level of absenteeism, high staff turnover, a decline in customer relations, more accidents than normal or poor quality control, business suffering from stress.
A common factor in stressed individuals is the presence of various symptoms.
Physical Evidence ...
Some can be dangerous, such as high blood pressure or heart disease. The less dangerous
include, insomnia, constant feeling of fatigue, headaches, rashes, digestive problems, ulcers, colitis, poor appetite, bulimia and cramps. Many of them appear after a stressful event. There are other immediate symptoms, eg nausea, shortness of breath or dry mouth.
Emotional Signs ...
include general irritability, seizures acute anxiety, depression, low libido, loss of sense of humor and an inability to concentrate on the simple and routine tasks. Discover unusual emotional responses and behavioral changes is key to recognize stress.
Physical Evidence ...
Some can be dangerous, such as high blood pressure or heart disease. The less dangerous
include, insomnia, constant feeling of fatigue, headaches, rashes, digestive problems, ulcers, colitis, poor appetite, bulimia and cramps. Many of them appear after a stressful event. There are other immediate symptoms, eg nausea, shortness of breath or dry mouth.
Emotional Signs ...
include general irritability, seizures acute anxiety, depression, low libido, loss of sense of humor and an inability to concentrate on the simple and routine tasks. Discover unusual emotional responses and behavioral changes is key to recognize stress.
Take on Stress at Work
Every person reacts differently to stress. Only by understanding the nature of individual relationships can begin to address their own stress and others. Note
prevailing attitudes in the workplace to assess your company's position with respect to stress. If this is inherent to the post, it is usually easier to make it a worthwhile to change work habits. In certain sectors, stress is inevitable. It is important to know how to see unacceptable levels of stress in the workplace. Hiding the truth more difficult to deal with long-term effects.
prevailing attitudes in the workplace to assess your company's position with respect to stress. If this is inherent to the post, it is usually easier to make it a worthwhile to change work habits. In certain sectors, stress is inevitable. It is important to know how to see unacceptable levels of stress in the workplace. Hiding the truth more difficult to deal with long-term effects.
Manage Time ... prioritize goals and plan their tasks . Contact
well ... discuss and report face to face, talk to colleagues often to know your opinion, listen to what others say, constructively critique the ideas of their peers and talk directly.
Get inner balance ... modify the behaviors known to be negative, set your standards or guidelines for action, face the anger and wrath, think positive.
Take time to relax ...
Find new interests in his spare time ... remember that the fans should be a pleasure not a chore.
well ... discuss and report face to face, talk to colleagues often to know your opinion, listen to what others say, constructively critique the ideas of their peers and talk directly.
Get inner balance ... modify the behaviors known to be negative, set your standards or guidelines for action, face the anger and wrath, think positive.
Take time to relax ...
Find new interests in his spare time ... remember that the fans should be a pleasure not a chore.
If you want more information about this topic you can access our website and know on what dates the course will be taught Stress Management during the fourth quarter.
Hindle, Tim. (1998). Stress to a minimum. Barcelona: Grijalbo.
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