Wednesday, October 21, 2009
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Our Anniversary!! Download it
nca Coi is in his 10th. Anniversary, is so take advantage to thank all our employees, customers and suppliers for their dedication and appreciation, congratulations to each and every one of the participating students and those over 10 years they have attended and learned a little more than tracks that allowed them and will allow to be better every day. Congratulations!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
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A MEDIA LUZ was present in the integrated dance workshop held in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda Colombia.
This event was aimed at integrating dancers with and without disabilities, choreographers and therapists on the same stage, for which it was necessary to consider adaptive elements of movement, space and time that allowed the successful participation of all.
The result of a week training, commitment, discipline, sensitization and total joy, was introduced to the wonderful warm population of Santa Rosa de Cabal in the framework of its regional fair.
The creativity of a group, the readiness to change, the exploration of dance and the integration possibilities of contemporary dance and tango, stole the attention of the audience.
Two of the dancers participating in disability Marlon motor and Jane in a situation of visual impairment, shared their experience, providing the tools group and contributing to the awakening of the motivation for directing art projects which foster the inclusion of people condition of disability.
The major conclusion is that no matter where you do, what matters is the commitment, love and responsibility to enable talent to shine and the charm of artists with a special light.
Congratulations to Professor Adriana Miranda, for their love and devotion.
to the Ministry of Culture of Colombia for hosting meetings and important as enriching the cultural growth of our country.
The foundation and the network CINDES Thinking from the difference to join in the collective. To undertake such projects and to consider alternative work within their organization.
A DANCE NITROGEN raise the name of our city Cali expressions as emotional, thoughtful and high-level contemporary dance.
All participants interesting to consider this issue for many professionals is not even named.
The Unicorn Foundation, for wearing the shirt A Media Luz and promote our talent.
At Bayron Torres Professor of live Tango dance school for their time dedicated to strengthening the road to professionalism in dance and rehabilitation.
A Amedia Luz for accepting the challenge and everyone for taking the time to these items.
A hug A Media Luz
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009
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To cope with stress is necessary to learn from identifying the causes and symptoms to monitor the response to the pressure and implement strategies to deal with stress.
Stress is a kind of "invisible disease." Can affect you, your company and any member of his staff, so that you can not afford to ignore it.
The condition is a set of changes that occur in the body when it requires a much higher yield than normal. Affects both the physical and mental health.
When the body is subjected to physical or psychological stress increases the production of certain hormones such as adrenaline and hydrocortisone, they cause significant changes in heart rate, blood pressure, metabolism and physical activity, causing long-term emotional and physical wear of the individual who has it.
stressed individuals may lose the ability to make sound decisions quickly, especially if they lose confidence in themselves. The wrong decisions made at work and at home can lead to accidents or arguments, financial loss and even loss of job.
Business Stress ...
Stress affects companies in addition to their employees. A company with a high level of absenteeism, high staff turnover, a decline in customer relations, more accidents than normal or poor quality control, business suffering from stress.
Stress is a kind of "invisible disease." Can affect you, your company and any member of his staff, so that you can not afford to ignore it.
The condition is a set of changes that occur in the body when it requires a much higher yield than normal. Affects both the physical and mental health.
When the body is subjected to physical or psychological stress increases the production of certain hormones such as adrenaline and hydrocortisone, they cause significant changes in heart rate, blood pressure, metabolism and physical activity, causing long-term emotional and physical wear of the individual who has it.
stressed individuals may lose the ability to make sound decisions quickly, especially if they lose confidence in themselves. The wrong decisions made at work and at home can lead to accidents or arguments, financial loss and even loss of job.
Stress and Mental Health ...
People under stress are more prone to irrational fears, mood swings, and phobias, and may suffer from depression and attacks anger and irritability.
People under stress are more prone to irrational fears, mood swings, and phobias, and may suffer from depression and attacks anger and irritability.
Business Stress ...
Stress affects companies in addition to their employees. A company with a high level of absenteeism, high staff turnover, a decline in customer relations, more accidents than normal or poor quality control, business suffering from stress.
A common factor in stressed individuals is the presence of various symptoms.
Physical Evidence ...
Some can be dangerous, such as high blood pressure or heart disease. The less dangerous
include, insomnia, constant feeling of fatigue, headaches, rashes, digestive problems, ulcers, colitis, poor appetite, bulimia and cramps. Many of them appear after a stressful event. There are other immediate symptoms, eg nausea, shortness of breath or dry mouth.
Emotional Signs ...
include general irritability, seizures acute anxiety, depression, low libido, loss of sense of humor and an inability to concentrate on the simple and routine tasks. Discover unusual emotional responses and behavioral changes is key to recognize stress.
Physical Evidence ...
Some can be dangerous, such as high blood pressure or heart disease. The less dangerous
include, insomnia, constant feeling of fatigue, headaches, rashes, digestive problems, ulcers, colitis, poor appetite, bulimia and cramps. Many of them appear after a stressful event. There are other immediate symptoms, eg nausea, shortness of breath or dry mouth.
Emotional Signs ...
include general irritability, seizures acute anxiety, depression, low libido, loss of sense of humor and an inability to concentrate on the simple and routine tasks. Discover unusual emotional responses and behavioral changes is key to recognize stress.
Take on Stress at Work
Every person reacts differently to stress. Only by understanding the nature of individual relationships can begin to address their own stress and others. Note
prevailing attitudes in the workplace to assess your company's position with respect to stress. If this is inherent to the post, it is usually easier to make it a worthwhile to change work habits. In certain sectors, stress is inevitable. It is important to know how to see unacceptable levels of stress in the workplace. Hiding the truth more difficult to deal with long-term effects.
prevailing attitudes in the workplace to assess your company's position with respect to stress. If this is inherent to the post, it is usually easier to make it a worthwhile to change work habits. In certain sectors, stress is inevitable. It is important to know how to see unacceptable levels of stress in the workplace. Hiding the truth more difficult to deal with long-term effects.
Manage Time ... prioritize goals and plan their tasks . Contact
well ... discuss and report face to face, talk to colleagues often to know your opinion, listen to what others say, constructively critique the ideas of their peers and talk directly.
Get inner balance ... modify the behaviors known to be negative, set your standards or guidelines for action, face the anger and wrath, think positive.
Take time to relax ...
Find new interests in his spare time ... remember that the fans should be a pleasure not a chore.
well ... discuss and report face to face, talk to colleagues often to know your opinion, listen to what others say, constructively critique the ideas of their peers and talk directly.
Get inner balance ... modify the behaviors known to be negative, set your standards or guidelines for action, face the anger and wrath, think positive.
Take time to relax ...
Find new interests in his spare time ... remember that the fans should be a pleasure not a chore.
If you want more information about this topic you can access our website and know on what dates the course will be taught Stress Management during the fourth quarter.
Hindle, Tim. (1998). Stress to a minimum. Barcelona: Grijalbo.
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come Graduates Welcome
Consultores Integrales
whose main objectives are:
whose objectives are: 1 .-
develop the participants knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to meet the strategic objectives of HR.
2 .- To develop a complete and comprehensive model Skills Management in order to make a channel of communication between labor and management.
to start the day October 26, 2009
to start the day November 2, 2009
whose objectives are:
That is to:
1 .- To know the tools of financial intelligence.
Consultores Integrales
MATCH ca through a strategic alliance with National at the Pedagogical University Experimental Libertador (UPEL) with the Institute of Education, Miranda Jose Manuel Siso MartÃnez and internationally with the UNESCO Centre for Rights Education Human World Citizenship and Culture of Peace offers the following Diplomas and certificates endorsed both nationally and internationally:
A started the day 19 October 2009
whose main objectives are:
1 .- To analyze in detail what is coaching, history and philosophical foundations.
2 .- Identify different ways of coaching.
3 .- Analyze the coaching process, identifying different stages in the establishment, development and progression of the coaching relationship.
4 .- Identify the various tools and techniques used in any process Coaching, exploring different instruments and methods of evaluation.
5 .- which will identify future trends that will be applied in coaching.
whose objectives are: 1 .-
develop the participants knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to meet the strategic objectives of HR.
2 .- To develop a complete and comprehensive model Skills Management in order to make a channel of communication between labor and management.
3 .- Determine which is the focus of adequate and appropriate jurisdiction for the implementation of competency management model in an organization.
4 .- Identify and develop management skills in each of the subsystems of human resources.
5 .- develop the participants' cognitive skills necessary to enable it to understand, evaluate and re-formulate the procedures currently used by organizations to evaluate the performance of persons under the competency model and as well as the formulation of career plans that are needed within organizations.
6 .- Provide participants with the tools required to improve management of their staff training process, from the alignment of training with business strategy, the formulation of a strategy for developing talent, quality management during the process and measuring its impact on the performance of individuals and organizations.
7 .- Understand the coaching methodology through which to develop the capabilities of leaders to get its people to improve performance and reach of the results, looking for their implementation for the development of a competence management model.
to start the day October 26, 2009
whose main objectives are those listed below:
1 .- This diploma has as main objective to train the participant in the direction of capable sales team strategic operational management of your operation.
2 .- To establish the number of sales strategies that bring great benefits to the company and increase the competitive advantages of the organization.
3 .- Develop and / or strengthen management skills to improve personal performance and organizational level through knowledge and management techniques, tools and concepts focused on the design and implementation of strategies for achieving goals over the company.
That is to:
1 .- To know the exact value of jobs through existing methods, pointing out how which one objective is more important for its applicability in a workplace.
2 .- Understand that compensation has to be internally equitable and externally competitive, within an ethical framework based on justice that will meet the expectations of staff.
3 .- To know and to develop concepts, techniques and tools to establish a wage or compensation system in which the item "compensation" becomes a real investment, aimed at improving business productivity under the concepts of consistency, internal equity and external competitiveness, guided by the mission, strategy and organizational objectives.
to start the day November 2, 2009
That aims to:
1 .- To meet the training needs of educational professionals in terms of educational processes based on information technologies and communication.
2 .- To promote the theoretical and methodological tools required by professionals for developing effective learning strategies in the Information Technology and Communication.
3 .- To develop the professional skills required for the exercise of teaching within the current trends, relying for that purpose in the Ethics, Information Technologies and Communication.
whose objectives are:
1 .- Update participants to modern management techniques, provide the conceptual knowledge and tools to successfully face the complexity of each of the organizations.
2 .- Develop and / or strengthen management skills to improve personal performance and organizational level through knowledge and management techniques, tools and concepts focused on the design and implementation of strategies for achieving the major objectives of the company.
to start the day 09 November 2009
That is to:
1 .- To know the tools of financial intelligence.
2 .- Provide participants with the necessary tools for the analysis of the structure financial company and its impact on management decisions.
3 .- To know the techniques of budget formulation and evaluation.
4 .- Make use of techniques for the evaluation of an investment plan.
5 .- Learn how to optimize the implementation phase and budgetary control
6 .- Manage the methodology to evaluate and analyze the budget in a company.
6 .- Manage the methodology to evaluate and analyze the budget in a company.
7 .- Develop skills and provide tools for the development of an Investment Project.
8 .- Develop skills necessary to implement tools for financial management effective and efficient organization.
For more information visit our website http://www.coincaconsultores.com/ and access the calendar of Graduates in which you will find, in detail, the process registration.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
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am pleased to announce we now We have a broad portfolio of International Graduates supported nationally by the UPEL and international courses and the UNESCO Centre Improvement and Professional Development in the following areas:
- Logistics and Production
- Sales, Marketing and Customer Service
- Human Resources
- Finance, Economy and Tax
- Education
- Supervision and Management
- Personal Development.
Later we will publish the schedule of diplomas and courses available for this last quarter.
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Thanks for following.
will be contacted.
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