Sunday, January 28, 2007

Good Title For A 21st Birthday Party

European Meeting for Coexistence

Este martes 30 de enero, se celebra el Encuentro Europeo por la Convivencia en Madrid. Podrás tener acceso a él a través de internet puesto que será difundido íntegramente desde el portal web de la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid, EducaMadrid, a partir de las 16,30 horas del día 30 de enero de 2007. Desde esta web address will be both direct connection to the development of the meeting, including sending questions to the speakers through online form.

The School Board of the Community of Madrid, with the aim of providing a service to the educational community (students, parents and teachers and other educational agents) sought to establish within the Standing Committee Forum to promote coexistence in the school and family which is generating a set of ideas and guidelines that will delve into the prevention and satisfactorily address situations of conflict and violence in schools and / or gender.

  • To provide a forum for dialogue that enables the exchange of experiences and initiatives developed within the framework of improving the living.

  • professionals to provide education, training and updated information on the main actions that take place in the national and European level relating to the eradication of violence and consolidate a culture of peace.

  • Place a framework on climate of coexistence and the level of conflict in order to promote research and improve with future prospects.

  • contribute, with conclusions and suggestions for improvement arising from this meeting, the Plan de Convivencia development of the Community of Madrid.

Download European Meeting Program for Coexistence


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