On this day, the NGO invited Intermón-Oxfam all schools to celebrate the World Day of Peace on the anniversary of the death of spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi peace (Great Soul) of the physicist Albert Einstein said:
"Perhaps future generations ever doubt that a man walked the Earth . "The theme for this year is "Conflict ... Not to forget!".
School Day of Non-violence and Peace (DENIP) was first declared in 1964. Arises from a pioneering, non-governmental, independent, voluntary and non-violent education of English professor Peacekeeper Llorenç Vidal. Its objective is education and tolerance, solidarity, harmony, respect for human rights, nonviolence and peace. On this day, colleges and schools become instruments of peace and understanding between people of different backgrounds, race, culture and religion.
basic message today is: 'Universal Love, Peace and Nonviolence. The universal love is better than selfishness, Non-violence is better than violence and peace is better than war.
The NGO offered through its website www.intermonoxfam.org ,-adapted training materials for both Primary and Secondary, with DVDs and games para concienciar a los alumnos de la necesidad de buscar una solución urgente a determinados conflictos y que esto es tarea de todos y todas. Pinchando aquí podrás ver y oír la canción del grupo Amaral, Rosa de paz.
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