Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Specialized Frames Are Made

Parents as role models for their children

is beyond doubt the influence that parents exercise over their children and should realize the permanent reference point for its construction are psychological, emotional and ethical.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Information Of Bertazzoni Sto

"We're losing the north," Emilio Calatayud

Today comes to me in video format of the intervention they call "the judge of the exemplary sentences" or "Judge Solomon of Granada, I'm talking about Emilio Calatayud first ombudsman for children in Madrid, currently the juvenile judge in Granada.
That intervention came in the V Tertulia School Board organized by the Ministry of Community Education Madrid and is entitled to the Family and School Risk Behavior Prevention.
The video is priceless, judge for yourself.

2 º Video

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

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Here, if there are those who live at home Nanny

The Public School Dio Cassius Merida launched last year the project "Here, if some people live " to promote coexistence in the educational center, involving the entire school community, teachers, students, workforce, and parents.

This program was created with the idea of increase family involvement at school.

Last academic year the project revolved around the issue of self . This year has been expanded, and has worked on three axes through the tutorials for students and conduct workshops for AMPA.
  • standards of living, social skills
  • and
  • multiculturalism.
This has been possible thanks to the work of the Task educational psychologists (EOEP), and support the management team.

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Nanny at Home is the title of this page that offers psycho-social intervention in the home. It is a nationwide company that specializes in developing educational programs within the family home.

The human team Nanny is formed at Home qualified professionals in the field of education (psychologists, educational psychologists, pedagogues and social workers)

offer an educational program of behavior modification for young people between 3 and 12 years in the family home, providing guidance for action both children and parents.

Friday, May 11, 2007

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Integrated Training Centre for Juvenile Offenders

The Community of Madrid has launched the Regional Centre for Integrated Teaching Sacred Heart of Jesus ", the structure and educational opportunities are fully adapted to both the Department of Execution of Judicial Measures, in which classes are taught, as children in these centers internal present social and personal circumstances very well defined. To learn more

Thursday, May 10, 2007

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New Bill of Rights and Duties in Extremadura

From April 5 came into force on Decree 50/2007, BOUT s rights and responsibilities of learners as standards of living and in schools of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura.

Among the new proposed the decree, include:

1 .- The process of conflict resolution through two new procedures, the short , and the conciliator which introduces the figure of a mediator , which may be any member of the educational community and selected by it (although it suggests that the social educator). Its function is to transform the conflict into a positive learning.

2 .- The creation of living commissions, responsible for ensuring compliance.

3 .- With regard to the rights and duties of learners as special emphasis on the duty to take positive the school since the company offers and recognizes the right to strike (from 3 º ESO) and meeting.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

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Observatory for Conviencia Extremadura school

The Autonomous Community of Extremadura DOE published in the February 27, the Decree 28/2007, dated 20 February , by establishing the Centre for Living School.

This Observatory was created as a college consultative status to serve the educational community and society as a tool for understand, analyze and evaluate coexistence in schools.

The purpose This new Centre is to help improve the development of school activities in schools through the evaluation and diagnosis of school life, the conflict analysis and proposal of measures for the prevention of violence. Its

functions include:
  • encourage the creation of a system for collecting and analyzing information related to the coexistence in schools,
  • propose to undertake studies to ascertain the state of coexistence and
  • propose plans for improvement.

addition, propose actions as the development of models of coexistence, advising families on maps developed and teacher training in prevention, conflict resolution and social skills, among others.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

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March 8. International Women's Day

Currently, this day has been renamed "Intenational Women's Day, but not long ago was celebrated as" International Day of Working Women. " After all, this day is to commemorate years of struggle for Equality, Justice, Peace and Development. It refers to all women throughout history have struggled to find, especially, equality in all sectors (Social, political, educational, labor, employment ...).

There are different versions about how this day was first celebrated. The best known is that of a fire at a textile factory in New York in 1857, where the workers were burnt which made a strike. There is no documentary evidence that the fire occurred in that year. There is also the version of the manifestation of the textile workers of New York by low wages and poor working conditions. See here the study by Isabel Álvarez González (The origins and celebration of International Women's Day, 1910-1945, KRK-Ediciones, Oviedo, 1999),

Whatever the origin, the fact is that on the 8th of March is a date established to reflect on the social and working conditions in which it is today women. If those women looked up at the beginning of S. XX would be that the effort was worthwhile, which has advanced greatly, but also that this equality has a long way, not all parts of the world exists. Serve

reflection for this and many other days this "Letter from a mother .

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cruise Themes For School

School Day of Non-violence and Peace. Tuesday, January 30

On this day, the NGO invited Intermón-Oxfam all schools to celebrate the World Day of Peace on the anniversary of the death of spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi peace (Great Soul) of the physicist Albert Einstein said:

"Perhaps future generations ever doubt that a man walked the Earth . "

The theme for this year is "Conflict ... Not to forget!".

School Day of Non-violence and Peace (DENIP) was first declared in 1964. Arises from a pioneering, non-governmental, independent, voluntary and non-violent education of English professor Peacekeeper Llorenç Vidal. Its objective is education and tolerance, solidarity, harmony, respect for human rights, nonviolence and peace. On this day, colleges and schools become instruments of peace and understanding between people of different backgrounds, race, culture and religion.
basic message today is: 'Universal Love, Peace and Nonviolence. The universal love is better than selfishness, Non-violence is better than violence and peace is better than war.

The NGO offered through its website www.intermonoxfam.org ,-adapted training materials for both Primary and Secondary, with DVDs and games para concienciar a los alumnos de la necesidad de buscar una solución urgente a determinados conflictos y que esto es tarea de todos y todas.

Pinchando aquí podrás ver y oír la canción del grupo Amaral, Rosa de paz.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

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European Meeting for Coexistence

Este martes 30 de enero, se celebra el Encuentro Europeo por la Convivencia en Madrid. Podrás tener acceso a él a través de internet puesto que será difundido íntegramente desde el portal web de la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid, EducaMadrid, a partir de las 16,30 horas del día 30 de enero de 2007. Desde esta web address will be both direct connection to the development of the meeting, including sending questions to the speakers through online form.

The School Board of the Community of Madrid, with the aim of providing a service to the educational community (students, parents and teachers and other educational agents) sought to establish within the Standing Committee Forum to promote coexistence in the school and family which is generating a set of ideas and guidelines that will delve into the prevention and satisfactorily address situations of conflict and violence in schools and / or gender.

  • To provide a forum for dialogue that enables the exchange of experiences and initiatives developed within the framework of improving the living.

  • professionals to provide education, training and updated information on the main actions that take place in the national and European level relating to the eradication of violence and consolidate a culture of peace.

  • Place a framework on climate of coexistence and the level of conflict in order to promote research and improve with future prospects.

  • contribute, with conclusions and suggestions for improvement arising from this meeting, the Plan de Convivencia development of the Community of Madrid.

Download European Meeting Program for Coexistence

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The INJUVE (Instituto de la Juventud) is campaigning against intolerance through the website www.intolerantesanonimos.org . This initiative is intended to help those who suffer the evil of being intolerant. The campaign encourages young people and the rest of society to help the intolerant and offers Web reference as other organizations to assist groups with problems. With the motto " The intolerant need help. Not discriminate "Institute of Youth and reverses the traditional approach places the intolerance as a problem for the practitioner.
The structure of this web site is: I want help
  1. Institutions need help
  2. Decalogue
  3. Test Thermometer
  4. News

Saturday, January 27, 2007


The intolerant need help Is there a child in pure evil? Andalusia

Ignacio García-Valiño
Dear Cain

(V Award finalist novel City of Torrevieja)

Dear Cain is a psychological thriller that ponders if the unjustified cruelty may have an innate origin, whether it is possible to escape the influence of Cain, the first evil of history .

is a novel that does not set guidelines for action to promote coexistence and contributes to educational standards for children. It is simply easy to read a novel that engages from the start.

In it, a child psychologist begins to treat a twelve-year-old Nico. It belongs to a wealthy family, with good status society in which family relationships are apparently good. But Nico, intelligent child with excellent academic results over a year has been showing signs of a great apathy, boredom and a progressive tendency towards isolation. Besides the family thinks they do not want, you can even get them to hate. Their behavior, with loved ones begin to be perverse. Here comes into play in July, the psychologist, through chess (only stimulus for Nico) begins his therapy. From the beginning, behavior problems are discarded and any mental illness, then ...

Child Is evil in its purest form free of influences, like a seed constituting the human being? Is there some innate cruel man?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

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approved a decree to improve relationships in schools are increasing

Increasingly aware of the need to create a culture of peace and nonviolence, the Andalusian government has approved for schools a decree to improve coexistence.
Its provisions included the establishment of preventive measures to the centers, such as developing a plan of living that it contains a diagnosis of the situation, the rules of coexistence and the creation the figure of the delegate of parents (with mediation functions) for each group of compulsory education. The centers can also create Living Classrooms for individualized treatment of students punished.

Among the measures are some as

  • Schools must develop an annual plan setting out the digánostico coexistence and objectives.
  • The creation of the delegate's parents mediation functions.
  • The incorporation of social workers to mediate between teachers and families of troubled students.
  • The development of training plans for teachers and students.
  • imposicón It will expedite corrective action and expulsions and the centers will have more protection.
  • The creation of the Centre for Living School as an advisory body attached to the Ministry of Education.
Via: Andalusian

Sunday, January 21, 2007

What Have To Write In New Born

coexistence programs for peaceful coexistence

collect this information El Pais, which is given news of a plan of living, of many that begin to be implemented in schools, for conflict resolution.

The center in question is the IES Pradolongo Usera which apply from 10 years ago educational programs to improve relationships among students. In the center are the students themselves, together with their teachers, who become the protagonists of the programs to solve problems within and outside the classroom.

To date, this secondary school has five programs of coexistence :


TEACHERS, FAMILIES And students of 3 º Y 4 º ESO

mediation team

families, teachers, other staff MEDIATORS. STUDENTS 3 º Y 4 º ESO





Reception and integration of immigrant students and socially disadvantaged ethnic minorities to improve coexistence and school quality.


The rules are very simple, as reflected for example for the mediation program :

Participants are required to respect, they should keep the turns of speech and all that counts is confidential. Once accepted these bases, two mediators meet with each giving his version of events. They

wonder how they feel and what you suggest to address what they believe does not work.

When the two versions, through the sieve of the mediators, they become one, they all sign the Registration Agreement. The document sets out what should be done so that problems do not recur and sets a deadline to review the agreement.

The same center was elegdo by the MEC as model of coexistence education.

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Training Mediation

Via CampusRed not received news that the Ministry of Education and Science provides training within three years about 18,000 teachers in the field of coexistence so that they can turn train their colleagues.
The minister explained that the aim is that after this time there is at least one teacher preparation "to train trainers" living in each state and state schools, according to Plan Promotion and Improvement Convivencia Escolar signed almost a year ago between the MEC and a very large sector of the educational community.
Cabrera, who was speaking on the occasion of the inauguration of the first course to train experts in school life, with the first module of about 60 teachers from various Autonomous Communities, explained that learning to live together is essential, and task of teachers felt that sense of priority.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

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teachers in the classroom

in news gathering in the newspaper El Pais , we read that Valencia have been met for the third consecutive year, over 160 students mediators of secondary schools in the province to reflect and share experiences about living at school. Some

conclusions drawn from the meeting were the following:
  • 's embattled shuts itself and no one knows.
  • coexistence problems sometimes arise with rumors and misunderstandings.
  • The tendency to judge too people fast.
  • students with a sense of superiority that do not respect the difference and feel unpunished.
  • The lack of dialogue between the educational community (student-student and student-teachers)
  • projection of conflict outside the center in a gang.
students to these problems proposed mediators solutions as
  • coexistence programs based on activities that engage the entire community.
  • Working groups involving students as protagonists of school life.
  • Creating dynamic with the participation that students help other cultures to interact, respect and be respected.
  • That same students participate in the resolution of conflicts arising.