Teachers, Parents, Family and Community Professionals General USED AS A RESOURCE THAT AROUND TO TEACH CHILDREN THAT ARE OTHER THAN QUALIFIED. .
After a long journey by sea from the sand cools possibilities of creativity, the spirit child woke up and captivated by the beauty of reality Finality of acceptance, he undertook his march into the heart of the little angels observant and anxious that enhance my mission. They waiting for an explanation to gratify his so-called recklessness, always with a smile trying to conquer this hidden issue of the "big boys" do not want to talk. I can get closer and willing to sweeten their curiosity with a brief history may have already heard, but have never solved his little grave concern.
Why is not like all of us?
Well this is the starting point, I must address the ship of hope and call for the crew to make a tender and educationally inclusive cruise from the depths of the human ocean.
And the helm today is towards the light of a lantern that lights the captivating and logical world of kids, the fantasy.
Wave of beautiful colors that are supported by internal and external reality to bring the individual to get their own reality.
Imagination serene, capable of reproducing mental causes and solutions to real problems. A gift worth cultivating in the path of a collective benefit.
However, only for the space of these lines, let me be your captain and give the address of this boat.
invite the children to discern the movement of the exciting wave of fantasy and invention, serves to reaffirm their identity, both collectively and individually. Map using as folk tales, adventure stories, rounds, poetry, music and film that help you recreate and empower your imagination. In the same way that contributes to its ethical and aesthetic education, looking at its sensitivity.
Here are some examples that can serve as luggage when moving towards the ideal island.
A small film character and loving child reaches the boat, with only one wing, the same as when using with courage, let him save his friends from the Mayan fish. Not alone, beside a playful little friend who seems to forget many things, but not those who love it. Finding Nemo, a story sample from academic subjects such as food webs, marine mammals, ecosystem, diversity of resource conservation agencies, among others, values \u200b\u200band principles such as generosity, love, gratitude, freedom, friendship, responsibility, solidarity, trust and family, whose illustration is the relationship between an overprotective father and his young son in disability, which has an attitude of autonomy and self-confidence because he wants to be independent in their activities, why look for ways be in their own spaces.
the end an achievement and a teaching tolerance and understanding.
adventurous spirit within us this beautiful landscape, we can find a beautiful swan, whom everyone called ugly duckling, before knowing their differences. This beautiful character is an example of those tragedies faced some children, to reach a space where everyone seems to be similar.
rejection, mockery and insults make you feel very sad, but at the moment is more boring than others view it is important, we believe, highlighting its beauty and qualities.
Amid this vast sea of \u200b\u200bexciting, waves of bright and dark feelings, is another friend who had an experience similar to the beautiful swan, a cuddly elephant fun even dared to dub Dumbo. For its huge ears, was subjected to taunts and insults, but the patient and intelligent elephant, keep all their might to prove to himself that his big ears, strange, ridiculous and ugly for many, were the wings of one of the dreams that most yearn for the victors. Fly. Thanks to his perseverance and the company of his friend Timothy, the mouse that to be the guardian and protector, was the different abilities and qualities of Dumbo and achievement that was the attraction of the circus, doing everything possible to bring happiness to the elephant.
More in a signal is transmitted from a small island of glows and sparks of bright colors. As we approach we find a very special family, consisting of a beautiful princess, a handsome prince and seven buddies stature, which dwarfs the common denominator, but to exchange a few words with the lovely Snow White, we find that now are known as small people adapting the world to show his greatness.
Millions of shapes, aromas, textures, shapes, colors and sounds exist in the paradise of individuality.
All with a different purpose, but the same idea of \u200b\u200bsuccess and smile forever.
Friends young and old, a beautiful and a beast who had to know the love to discover their true beauty, a history of defective toys that seek to be valued for what it uses them, a green ogre who discovers his sensitive side by Fiona for whom be nice it was more important than being happy.
This is a short look attractive and fascinating landscapes in the world that surrounds our little great explorers. Possible to interpret a map, you can take your hands and prosecute a treasure hunt of those values \u200b\u200band qualities that enable a wonderful trip to boys and girls differently trained in the world.
just a matter of taking the helm and take pride in the boat of love and respect.
to accompany them here for today, I hope you have had the most pleasing and reflective of the cruise.
A hug and a new opportunity where we can share other route possibilities.
you soon
His captain Janeth Cristina Villegas Angel