Friday, May 11, 2007

Brazilian 25 Mississauga

Integrated Training Centre for Juvenile Offenders

The Community of Madrid has launched the Regional Centre for Integrated Teaching Sacred Heart of Jesus ", the structure and educational opportunities are fully adapted to both the Department of Execution of Judicial Measures, in which classes are taught, as children in these centers internal present social and personal circumstances very well defined. To learn more

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Moonlight Fever :inuyasha

New Bill of Rights and Duties in Extremadura

From April 5 came into force on Decree 50/2007, BOUT s rights and responsibilities of learners as standards of living and in schools of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura.

Among the new proposed the decree, include:

1 .- The process of conflict resolution through two new procedures, the short , and the conciliator which introduces the figure of a mediator , which may be any member of the educational community and selected by it (although it suggests that the social educator). Its function is to transform the conflict into a positive learning.

2 .- The creation of living commissions, responsible for ensuring compliance.

3 .- With regard to the rights and duties of learners as special emphasis on the duty to take positive the school since the company offers and recognizes the right to strike (from 3 ยบ ESO) and meeting.