Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Wella Koleston Perfect 10/3

Observatory for Conviencia Extremadura school

The Autonomous Community of Extremadura DOE published in the February 27, the Decree 28/2007, dated 20 February , by establishing the Centre for Living School.

This Observatory was created as a college consultative status to serve the educational community and society as a tool for understand, analyze and evaluate coexistence in schools.

The purpose This new Centre is to help improve the development of school activities in schools through the evaluation and diagnosis of school life, the conflict analysis and proposal of measures for the prevention of violence. Its

functions include:
  • encourage the creation of a system for collecting and analyzing information related to the coexistence in schools,
  • propose to undertake studies to ascertain the state of coexistence and
  • propose plans for improvement.

addition, propose actions as the development of models of coexistence, advising families on maps developed and teacher training in prevention, conflict resolution and social skills, among others.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Rotronics Logistics Driver

March 8. International Women's Day

Currently, this day has been renamed "Intenational Women's Day, but not long ago was celebrated as" International Day of Working Women. " After all, this day is to commemorate years of struggle for Equality, Justice, Peace and Development. It refers to all women throughout history have struggled to find, especially, equality in all sectors (Social, political, educational, labor, employment ...).

There are different versions about how this day was first celebrated. The best known is that of a fire at a textile factory in New York in 1857, where the workers were burnt which made a strike. There is no documentary evidence that the fire occurred in that year. There is also the version of the manifestation of the textile workers of New York by low wages and poor working conditions. See here the study by Isabel Álvarez González (The origins and celebration of International Women's Day, 1910-1945, KRK-Ediciones, Oviedo, 1999),

Whatever the origin, the fact is that on the 8th of March is a date established to reflect on the social and working conditions in which it is today women. If those women looked up at the beginning of S. XX would be that the effort was worthwhile, which has advanced greatly, but also that this equality has a long way, not all parts of the world exists. Serve

reflection for this and many other days this "Letter from a mother .