Monday, September 25, 2006

Implantation Calculation

Dear (a) Professor (a):

Hoping you have had a good Independence Day celebration, we invite you to take up the work we have been doing in the workshops for head teachers on the subject of family-school relationship. In this session we will reflect on the great importance of the role of the teacher, identifying the many demands which must address realistically and defining their responsibilities.

result of this workshop will make a proposal of the role that teachers must assume commune chiefs, thus contributing to identify resources and conditions for conducting the work and thus achieve a better education for students Conchalí.

To optimize the participation and representation of our work, we recall that the last workshop, held on 10 August, were given a survey on this subject for the work with colleagues. In the session on Thursday will use all this information. Therefore, please take the survey to the workshop. If you have not found the time to complete, we encourage you to do these days, and if you absolutely could not find the time to do so, we also request their participation, because their opinion is always important.

Because only with everyone's input we can make improvements in education Conchalí, we have your valuable participation in this penultimate year's workshop. We waited with a rich sandwich on September 28th at 14:30 pm in the Millennium Hall .

Sincerely, TEAM


confident in their commitment.
forward together to Effective Schools.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

The Fair-girdled And The Iliad

The Third Meeting of the Teachers Workshop for Heads of Conchalí was a success!

The Athena School was this time the space that welcomed us, a very good way for the realization of our third meeting. We have the visit of María Alicia Halcartegaray , an expert in the development of Convivencia Escolar, the development of democratic rules and discipline and work around the limits that can be developed by teachers and parents.

a practical strategy also met a very educational game to work these issues in meetings of Trustees, encouraging greater participation of families in the training and education of their children.
For Teachers interested, the game will soon be delivered to all schools so that they can reproduce and apply it in their meetings of trustees.

See you soon at the next workshop, with the same motivation and the desire to move towards the development of an effective alliance family - school, to assess the contribution of each in his role!


Team UNICEF - Coresam