Thursday, August 3, 2006

Yamaha 05 Blaster Blueprints

Dear Teachers

holiday break winter, will resume our work in workshops for teachers Heads, which aims to strengthen the link Family School. The quote at our third meeting will be on Thursday 10 August at 14:30 in Athena School. The wait for a rich sandwich for lunch do not worry.

this time will cover the following topics:

report of two successful experiences related to meetings of trustees , experiences arising from our Head Teachers Network.

After this, as outlined at the beginning of our meetings, we will address a topic of great importance suggested by many participants: how to resolve conflict situations with children and adolescents (strategies for parents and teachers). This task will be supported by an expert in the area that will help in the process of this Workshop No. 3.

their presence is essential and continuity in the upcoming workshops, considering the importance of his contribution as a teacher (a) representatives of their school in this community initiative.

value your time, energy and dedication put into this effort to bring the family to education, thus contributing to improving the education of children and young people Conchalí.

Best Regards, Team
Unicef \u200b\u200b- Coresam